DeRico Symonds joins Tribe Network as an Advisor

Picture of DeRico Symonds

We are excited to announce that DeRico Symonds will serve as a strategic advisor to Tribe Network. In this role, DeRico will advise Tribe on community relations and matters of Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Access.

“The Tribe platform and network are important because it will provide a space dedicated to the enhancement and advancement of the BIPOC community. This is beneficial to the Canadian entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem as it enables cross-cultural connectivity, idea sharing, collaboration and an increase in the social fabric in Canada.” says DeRico Symonds.

Symonds has several years of leadership experience with youth and communities and is highly skilled in community engagement, outreach, and public policy. He currently works at NSCAD Univerity in Halifax, Nova Scotia in the role of Director of Opportunity and Belonging.

“Canada is lucky to have community leaders like DeRico, who push barriers and seek to create new pathways for those who are often excluded. DeRico has always provided me with quality mentorship and advice – he is a trusted advisor. Tribe has already benefited and will continue to benefit from his contributions. ” said Alfred Burgesson, founder and community builder at Tribe Network.

“Social media has shown us the importance and value of virtual connectivity. Tribe is people centered and led by the community in which it serves. This platform ties together all of your favorite social media platforms in a space dedicated to the growth of the BIPOC community. I believe this platform to be revolutionary and something that has the ability to change the way we think about creativity, connectivity and innovation.” said Symonds.

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements.